QUAD A CHICAGO is Alchoholics Anonymous for Atheists and Agnostics.........and anyone else!

Quad A has been meeting continuously for over 35 years in Chicago.

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Quad A Chicago is AA for Atheists and Agnostics. It is a an AA group with a specific focus for humanists and those people with a secular point of view. We are an active member of Chicago AA, support the Chicago Area Service Office, and the General Service Office as well. We invite any person with a desire to stop drinking to attend our meetings.


These documents are intended to supplement official AA literature such as the Big Book and the Twelve and Twelve, not replace them. They are not in any way sanctioned as "official Quad A documents." They have proven to be useful to individuals and/or groups and are posted here for informational purposes only.

Tuesday Quad A Group's Documents:


Meeting Format Example

Modified 12 Steps


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