Headphone Amps

A/B Comparison #4

Beta 22 Audio_GD  FUN


DAC: Cambridge Audio  DAC Magic - via SPDIF
Source: Various FLAC Music Files
Test conducted using a switch that connected either amp "A" or amp "B" to the headphones; amps were fed in parallel off the DAC.

I carefully matched the volume levels of the two amps using a 1000 Hz tone & SPL Meter

NOTE:  FUN used here through LINE inputs, it's DAC not used.


Very subtle difference in bass was audible, with the Beta 22 sounding a little tighter and possibly a little more extended.  Highs from the Beta 22 might be a tiny bit more extended too.


Similar bass character difference as heard on the LCD-2's, the bass seemed to "hit" a little harder through the Beta 22. On the high end the extreme upper register seemed a little more extended from the Beta 22, and there was a tiny bit of high frequency roughness from the FUN.  Maybe.   


These differences were very subtle. In particular, the differences in the highs between the two amps seemed to be JUST BARELY perceptible. (I wonder if what I was hearing was the FUN'S  "MOON" OPA module, which Audio_GD describes as "Sounds a bit tube-like, that is, a little soft, warm and musical.")

Both of these amps sounded GREAT, really.  The differences were VERY minor.  When you consider that the FUN is about $350 and includes a VERY FINE DAC and preamp outputs, you can really see it's value in how well it compared to the Beta 22 which tends to sell for about $2 thousand.


In these first four comparisons, all these solid-state amps I've compared sound so similar as to be NEARLY INDISTINGUISHABLE, and I am moving on to comparing the Beta 22 to tube and hybrid amps next which - according to conventional wisdom -  should show a greater contrast in sound.


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