Headphone Amps

A/B Comparison #6

Beta 22  Sugden A25 Integrated Amplifier


  • Sugden A25 is a mid 1980's model, made in England.
  • A25 rated at 29 watts / channel.
  • I replaced the NE5534 op amps in the gain stage with OPA627ab's (on sockets).
  • eBay purchase $125 in 2007.
DAC: Cambridge Audio  DAC Magic - via SPDIF
Source: Various FLAC Music Files
Test conducted using a switch that connected either amp "A" or amp "B" to the headphones; amps were fed in parallel off the DAC.
I carefully matched the volume levels of the two amps using a 1000 Hz tone & SPL Meter

NOTE: Using the A-25's headphone jack for this comparison.


Bass not quite as powerful / authoritative as the Beta-22, but otherwise good bass. Highs a little rolled off compared to the Beta-22, but curiously female vocalist sibilance is more un-naturally prominent or somewhat exaggerated through the Sugden compared to the Beta-22.  High volume setting is required to drive the LCD-2's (50 ohm phones) but good volume level is obtainable.


Again, bass not quite as well controlled or deep as the Beta-22. Some midrange exaggeration from the Sugden, possibly revealing why this amp is supposed to sound a bit "tubelike." Upper highs rolled off a bit with the Sugden compared to the Beta-22, and yet again there is this false emphasis on female sibilance though not as pronounced as it was  driving the LCD-2's.


This integrated amp (with upgraded op amp)  sounded pretty darn good, though not QUITE up to the high standard set by the Beta-22.  I did not get that "fatiguing" effect that I got from the Yamaha, which makes me think this amp is either class A or is operating in class A at the level I'm using it at.  Sucker gets QUITE hot! Nice little amp, though.  You don't see too many of these.  Makes a nice bedroom / office speaker amp with possibility of occasional headphone use. Has a phono preamp.

This amp shows to me that headphone jacks in integrated amps can sound pretty decent if the amp is approaching high-end in design (as in class-A operation and quality parts.)  Not as good as a headphone amp like the Beta-22 or the M³, but better than the conventional wisdom holds.



1980's British near-high-end minimalism.

A25 guts, including my opamp mod.


  • A25 has a MOSFET output stage, lots of film capacitors, epoxy-fiberglass circuitboards, and is either class A or "high A  class AB" depending on your source of information.  It gets HOT so whatever class it is, the idle bias is set pretty high.
  • Uses standard practice of resistors in series with amp output for headphone jack.
  • This amp is really very nice, sounds nice on my Quad ESL-57's and on other speakers.  Sounds more powerful than 29 watts / side.  Sounds like class A to me.
  • I have a schematic for this amp- which is hard to find.  If you need a copy, HERE it is.



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